Réka Bohus is a Hungarian artist based in Budapest. Interested in abstract, geometric, and collage art. In her personal works, she usually seeks the connection between the mediums of photography and painting.
“The starting point of her series called What remains is rooted in her private life, first of all, the creative process generating the images is of therapeutic nature. It would impossible to ignore the private aspects of the creative work which is being experienced as a healing process. Especially since in the case of the photographic still life genre the author is always emphatically present, she is the creator and she is the one who has arranged the objects featured in the picture, the most suitable background and lighting, all in all, everything that would facilitate the expression of her vision. In contemporary still life photography, if we may handle such a complicated, complex and intricate phenomenon so liberally, what mostly happens is giving some significance to trivial, insignificant things. Bohus’ Konstruktum series also let us experience this process. However, the What remains series features organized visual metaphors created from meaningful objects with special significance for the author, through which the readability appears in a textual form, in the shape of newspaper pages chosen as background. […]”
© Balázs Zoltán Tóth
IG Réka Bohus
Academic studies
2015 – University of Kaposvár, Kaposvár / photography BA
2012 – Alternative Economics High School (AKG), Budapest / photography
Solo and duo exhibitions
– Time has no hands nor mouth – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– LET’S PLANT Capazine ’21 in collaboration with Anna Fabricius – CAPA Center 8F Gallery / Budapest
– What remains | Ami maradt – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– Üveg, Fém, Fotó – A Bohus-Lugossy művészcsalád kiállítása – Józsefvárosi Galéria / Budapest
– Fényt hozzon…VII – Vízivárosi Galéria / Budapest
Selected group exhibitions
– FCKN LOVE III. – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– JUST TO BE… – Hungarian Cultural Institute / Sofia
– TO BE continued – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– FCKN LOVE I – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– FRESH MEAT – HybridArt Space / Budapest
– Winter Show: The Nightmare Before Xmas – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– Coworking, Studio of Young Photographers – SKURC / Budapest
– Deep Flows | Mélyáramok – MODEM / Debrecen
– Resident Art – A.P.A. galéria / Budapest
– Resident Art – Garten Kortárs képzőművészeti bázis / Lovas
– PIÑA curated by TOBE – Pegazus / Szentbékkálla
– Still Life | Csöndesen – Budapest Photo Festival – Kiscelli Museum / Budapest
– 1/1 – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– Absence – Gregersen Art Point / Budapest
– Triangle – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– KEF – ArtPlacc / Tihany
– Diploma exhibition – FUGA / Budapest
Presence in Art Fairs
– Art Market Budapest – Vesc Art Management / Budapest
Selected PRESS
– Töredékek, Surányi Mihály / Fotóművészet magazin
– Réka Bohus: What remains / Artmirror
– Kétféle homok, Cséka György / Újművészet
– Körforgásban, Barta Edit / PUNKT
– A rétegek súlya, Tóth Balázs Zoltán / Országút
– Életem története, Takáts Fábián / KULTer
– Az érzet a valóság, Tóth Judit Nikoletta / ArtNews
available artworks
Archival pigment ink prints from digital photography
Row of memories | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3
Mosaic draws | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3
Father and son | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 2/3
Building blocks | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 2/3
Another World! | 75 x 100 cm | Ed. 1/3
Glass marbles | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3
Plasters | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3
Wire net | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3
Read between the lines | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3
Hopes around the skulls | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3
You and the programs | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 3/3
Sliding frame | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3
Mirror cross | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3
Child | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3
Family circle I | 75 x 50 cm | Ed. 1/3