My collages are possibly the richest layered treatment I have ever chosen. I constantly repeat to myself “A woman creating, she is a woman healing.”
Literature and music are creative inspirations and pieces of my collage. It could be said that it is the beautiful going out in search of the beautiful. And here I am talking about both aesthetics and attitude: my collages speak of flowery pillars, women who ensure that life does not end: friends, mothers, lovers and lovers, capable of turning the everyday into fables or of taking that everyday life between jaws and bite into it until it stops shaking turbulently. And it is that even in the hardest learning, beauty is always whispering next to us.
I have an emotional dialogue with nature: an act of catharsis that renews me. Hence my color gamut: powerful contrasts between the trees of the tropics and the warm gamut of northern Europe. The birds are the emissaries of my messages across the sea that divided my life.
The cosmos and the scientific world are another dense food in continuous absorption: one of the most beautiful forms of nutrition received from my mother.
Life is a long journey, impossible to travel without the awareness that we are a miracle of oxygen, sulfur, sunlight, and cells that meet to create scenarios in constant transition.
The early encounter with photography makes me privilege framing, weights, and perspective. With them as a tool, my senses keep without touching everything beautiful that comes to my hands. For more than a decade, this accumulation has been the sensory exercise that keeps my brain plasticity in shape.
IG Amalia Pereira
Academic studies
2005 – University of Basque County, Bilbao / Creation and Design
1996 – Instituto de Diseño de Caracas, Caracas / Graphic Design
1993 – Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas / Art Historian
Solo exhibitions
– Retorno – Sietealcubo | Centro de Arte Los Galpones / Caracas
– Resignificar – Ayuntamiento de Zarátamo / Bilbao
– Feria Nacional de Artistas CULTUR3 CLUB – Palacio de Revillagigedo / Gijón
– Inventario Emocional | Lembranzas – VISOL Galería de Arte / Ourense
– INVOCAR | REME | MORAR – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
Selected group exhibitions
– GÜELCOME – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– RESISTANCE – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– POP UP SHOW curated by TOBE – The Collective Art Miami / Miami
– 1/1 – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– BLU_ curated by TOBE – Pegazus / Szentbékkálla
– ALMOST black & white – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– Secret Garden – Ördögkatlan festival / Palkonya
– Un encuentro en la calle – ZAW Bilbao / Bilbao
– BLU – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– Soul Flowers | Lélekvirágok – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– PARRANDA – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– 9TOPICS – Girls Club / Fort Lauderdale
– Letras de vuelo presentation + Collage – ZAW Bilbao / Bilbao
– Pixels – GBG ARTS / Caracas
Presence in Art Fairs
– Feria de Arte Internacional Donostiartean – Amalia Pereira & Adrián Villeta / San Sebastián
– Art Market Budapest – TOBE Gallery / Budapest
– Letras de vuelo | Amalia Pereira & Juan Carlos Bertorelli – Edited by iGrafic / Barcelona
Selected PRESS
– Amalia Pereira hace collages que reordenan lo femenino / El Universal
– La migración de las aves, Tareixa Taboada / La voz de Galicia
– Amalia Pereira entrevistada por Mila Abadia / Arte a un click
– Az igazi veszteséget elszenvedő, Tóth Judit Nikoletta / ArtNews