

Adam Magyar
November 22,2023 - January 18, 2024

Matter by Adam Magyar (HU)


opening on November 21, 2023, from 6:00 pm

November 22, 2023 – January 18, 2024

TOBE Gallery | Budapest, Hungary


• with the support of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary NKA


“No one can truly understand time. As an artist, I study our relationship with the past, future, and present moments, reflecting on the use or non-use of time. The subjective aspect of time has always intrigued me – the weight and beauty of memories, the fear of uncertainty, the emptiness when alone, and the ultimate passing. I am most fascinated when time seemingly stands still for a moment, and unity simply feels right as it is. It’s a beautiful challenge to find the analogue flow in the stark forest of causes and consequences. In creating the video and photo series titled ‘Matter,’ I revisited urban locations captured from the same perspective. In my completed works, days and moments are projected onto each other, revealing the flow of time and exposing our faded memories and insignificance. The passage of time becomes visible. Visually, we dissolve, losing constancy. Our boundaries blur. Only the traffic lights remain in their own clearly readable world.”                Adam Magyar


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