

by Viktor Váradi
October 20 - November 27, 2021

Development / Előhívás


Viktor Váradi’s new photo series, Development is basically a family history. However, it is not only that, and this emerges even from the ambiguous title of the exhibition.
One is born in an era, a family, a geographical region. Later on, they have to thrive and realize their life among these lines of force.
Almost our whole personality is affirmation or negation of these circumstances. From Viktor Váradi’s series, we learn that he is rather a for acceptance. We can follow the happenings along with a linear, almost film-like dramaturgy.
As it should be, this narrative is even exciting, full of suddenness and surprise. It is masterful how much is included in this not too long content. What picture and caption represent is perfectly balanced. How they collaborate in order to accurately convey the meaning. It is like an extended haiku. It tells about the upgrowth of a young man, his finding himself and his bonds. This usually appears in a 120-minute-long movie or in a book of 300 pages. The trick is that the words sketch the events and the rest is entrusted to the picture. The information hidden in the text and in the creative imaging is operated successfully together. The remarkably heterogeneous imagery is part of a construction that reads well, where the criteria of creating a traditional photo series cease to be valid. The pictorial multifariousness symbolizes the sequence of former experiments, so it has a function.

The specific content, just like in the case of movies, should not be spoilt.

Miklós Gulyás


Viktor Váradi is a photographer and teacher living in Budapest. He is the head of the department of photography at SZÁMALK-Salezian Post-Secondary Vocational School. He got his MA degree in photography at The Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in 2013. He is a two-time winner of the ’Pécsi József’ scholarship. His works focus on personal photos and on blending genres within one series. He participated in several group exhibitions in Hungary and abroad, e.g. in Mai Manó House or in Italy and Paris also organized by Mai Manó House. This is his first solo show at TOBE Gallery.


Development by Viktor Váradi (HU)

October 20 – November 27, 2021
open Wednesday to Friday  2:00 – 6:00 pm | Saturday  11:00 am – 3:00 pm

TOBE Gallery | Budapest, Hungary

part of the official program of the Hungarian Month of Photography – Fotóhónap 2021

• with the support of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary NKA


Pousse-Café at TOBE with Miklós Gulyás

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