

group show
June 02 - August 29, 2020

Exhibited artists: Máté Bartha (HU), Marco Bell (VE-US), Carolina Chocron (AR), Cristina Kahlo (MX), Dora Kontha (HU), Jean-François Lepage (FR), Ákos Major (HU), Rocío Montoya (ES), Tomas Opitz (VE-HU), Ricardo Parra (VE-US), Angela Sairaf (BR-ES), Marilyn Szabo (US), Bruno Veiga (BR)


This is TOBE Gallery’s first online exhibition in a viewing room format. Don’t stray too far from the gallery space, that wouldn’t be a good ending …




SO[U]LIDARITÉ online show

June 02 –  August 29, 2020

TOBE Gallery | Budapest, Hungary

curators: Bea Puskás & Tomas Opitz

What's on at TOBE